Today a short post about my last work, the chief of the army I'm painting for a commission, the Death Guard. Here and here the previous showcase of the two first waves of the army.
With the customer I decided to do some mods to this guy, to me a bit too much full of useless frills (like a lot of the newest kits). I removed all the balls and chains, and now the model seems a bit more thick but elegant imho.
The customer wanted to paint the base so I left it blank: not a bad thing, if in one hand I'd like to finish the model, in the other hand I like the idea of a 4 hands project.
The wings are not glued, so I hope you forgive the blue tack and the little box I used to keep one of them in. They are big and heavy those gorgeous wings!
The model is going to be a centerpiece so I wanted to be smoother in clothes and I added a great quantity of rust.
Also it is going the only one with a bit of copper ad verdigris to underline its status, and also because I did not want to loose some details with my heavy rust.
I was too much scared to put him into the army, due the not glued wings and base, so here a shot with only two friends.
Hope you enjoy it!