domenica 24 febbraio 2019

LXIV - Showcase: stealth Primaris Marine Army

Hi there!
Finally I'm back, after a long hiatus on the hobby. My last work, the army of Nurgle (commission) simply dried out all my willing of hobby, so, due it's an hobby, I decided to leave brushes and paints away from my life, till I get the inspiration.

It has been quite ironic that I bought four armies (!) then I decided tha "Well, I do not want to paint them!" (yes, I have other three army sit under my desk in a pile of boxes).

However, lurking looking others blogs, I get the mood to paint. I started this army because it's easy to paint, and I really like the lack of details that Primaris have.

I think I'm going to be more relaxed about hobby, without doing what I do not want, and with maybe different time (sorry for the fuzzy pics). I painted them some time ago, but I get time to share them here only now.

Also, I love to paint in grey tones, so I decided to paint them in a stealthy way: I imagined that Marines have different armour (in my mind), and for night operations, they use maybe a black or grey one, instead of the flashy colors of their classical armies.

Maybe it could be counter intuitive the OLS, but I needed to give something different to the zenithal grey.

Staying in this philosophy, I decided to remove the banner, quite hard to hide, and add a kind of icon to the bearer (man, those frying names...).

I really had fun to paint the holsters etc. in a kind of camo, very easy and nice (imho).
I also did some easy bases, with black and brown pigments together.

As always, they are on eBay, check on the top right of the blog if interested. I decided to leave the shoulderpads blank, if the potential customer would like to add something, it's going to be easier.

Thanks for reading, and maybe you'll see another army soon (or not too much soon).

I also painted a couple of Hot Wheels before them, they are on sales on eBay, I advice you to try to paint one of those little cars, it's very fun!