giovedì 28 marzo 2019

LXVI - Monster March fourth, week: showcase, Bloat drone

Hi readers!
I skipped the third week of Monster March , but I could finish my pledge, the Nurgle Bloat Drone in time, and I'm happy, also because I started the rest of the army, finishing 5 Marine (well, I mean five 5 guys in power armours), starting the 5 remaining, and also the poxies.

 This event started me to paint this army, and thats what I wanted.

However, less words and more pics!

I decided to paint it reallt clear, due originally the color of Death Guard was white, and I imagined that they do not repaint their armours in green, but dirty and slime make it in that way.

The "clean" metal is only old brass, without too much light, I wanted to leave it matt, only a closer look leaves see some lights.

The rust is made with the salt technique, you can find it in my last post, and soon I'll add it to my tutorial page. Worth of mention the site of Thor about tutorial, you can post it yours, to grow a kind of dictionary of tutorials. I posted the mentioned tutorial, and I'll add all mine.

The skin is my classical recipe, washes and sponge.
Also, I cannot avoid some glossy black, but you can see that I used less gore than my standard, because sometimes you have to go out your beloved borders.

The part I like the most is that -to me- it seems there is a method in this mess of splatted paints, if you look closer to the miniature (like the first pic).

Here the pic with the finished marines!

This events has been very funny, I hope to partecipate next year! Thanks again to SwordMaster to keep alive MM.