
mercoledì 20 settembre 2017

LX - One year of De Silentio Umbrae

Hi readers!
First year of this blog, De Silentio Umbrae. Some of you know this is not my first blog, but I am quite happy about how things evolve fastly: after some sadness, we have to start something new, and I am satistied about what happened, i.e. this new blog. I think that I'm going to do a yearly recap when the blog birthday occurs, and not at the end of the year. Let's go!

First, thanks to all you readers, and thank you to each of one of you that spends a bit of time in commenting, this is great. A special mention to the official followers, thank you!

Must say that in the older blog I was a bit fascinated by traffic performances, simply because it was a nice challenge, and also because I am a number lover: with De Silentio Umbrae I decided to use the blog as kind of diary about my progress and work, and also like a kind of showcase for my work. The readers are going to arrive if I post something interesting!
However I like looking at Google Analytics and looking the stats (not me lol) in blogger. I like to see if the read growns or not, and also have a kind of ranking about what interest more.
De Silentio Umbrae has surpassed the 10'000 views n in a year, having this ranking about views:

XXXI - Tutorial: Nurgle daemons  
with 259 views
LII - Tutorial: (not the usual) Golden Stormcast   
with 207 views
XLV - Showcase The Glottkin, Monster March: IV week   
with 185 views
LVII - WIP: Commission, Death Guard  
with 142 views
XLIII - Wip: The Glottkin, Monster March, II week 
with 140 views

I'm glad that the most hard works and post to write like tutorials are the most read! If we count that I wrote 62 posts (well, the numbers on the titles skip two posts, sorry), we are talking of about an average of 170 views per post, with an average last of the session of 1 minute (source: Google Analytics), that means that who reads my posts, spends a bit of time on them! Great results, this should means traffic of a good quality. Without searching traffic performances, I am satisfied.

The thing I like the most of the community is that everybody are sharing proudly their works, receveing helps and nice words, always and free. Sometimes I wonder if it is possible to swap the real world mood with the community mood: quite cool that if you remove money and stress, and leave only leasure and freedom, everything works fine: maybe something is wrong out there, or something is wrong in my mind, thinking about those horrible things!

However, this year I shortly partecipated to the golden d6, a nice online paper about hobby, that is unfortunately no more supported. Thank you Adam to have tried to create something cool.
Also, I partecipated to my first event, Monster March, and I really enjoyed it a lot, painting the Glottkin, that are on the third place of the most read post, thanks to the mighty SwordMaster.
I blushed a bit in this post of the great Michael Corr,  who interviews a lot of blogger, and I was very happy to partecipate at.
Lastly, my small Nurglings are mentioned also by the great Thor on his blog! Check all those blogs, like the ones on my blogroll, they are worth of your time.

As you know I paint everything I want, and most of the work is sold. I painted something like 80 miniatures, not a great numbers, and most of them are sold. I like how my hobby balance is in positive, that is a nice thing to me, and frankly I do not like to have my house filled of things!

In the next year I'd like to finish my small squad of assassins of AoS, the Cult of the Hidden Knives, (paintinhg my squad of Dark Eldar,  if only I can find a proper painting scheme),
painting some Nurgle of course, maybe something of Tzeentch and, now, there are also some Undead in my mind that I need to create. If GW does not come out with some marvellous kits! However you clearly know how I change fastly my mind!

 And I have also an army of Khorne to put on eBay, but I have to finish them of course. I also need to manage my swirling willing of painting, but this is another story.

That's all, folks! 

Lots of work to do, stay tuned for more horrible and disgusting miniatures.

Again, thank you for your time,


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